Expected Results
The expected results are Research and Commercial.
The research results concern
- Use of new technologies Expensive Primary Animal Production for the first time and evaluation of their effectiveness, aiming at commercial development
- Use of Thermal Cameras to prevent febrile diseases and lameness
- Measurement and recording of breeding unit microclimate and IoT sensors and evaluation of its impact on well-being and production.
Commercial results concern the production of an innovative and unique integrated software suite, which provides a unified decision support system using innovative technologies.
Specifically, the software suite will support intensive cattle breeding to achieve the following goals:
- Improving quality in terms of performance, productivity, production and reproduction
- Analysis of the needs of dairy farmers and, in the future, meat producers and producers
- Reduction of the occurrence of animal health problems (fever, anxiety, macular oxidation, milk fever, etc.) and the number of veterinary interventions, administration of antibiotics or hormonal treatments.
- Improving the balance between professional and personal life of producers
- Improving animal welfare
- Reduction of unit monitoring time by at least 10%
- Increase productivity
- Improving the health and well-being of animals
- Accurate detection of diseases and time of delivery