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Goal & Objective

Prelive is an ambitious program that aims to use Precise Primary Production Management methods, especially in Breeding Dairy Cows, to achieve optimization of production efficiency and well-being.
The axes on which it will have a positive effect are expected to be:

  • Subclinical Diseases - by early detection of conditions predisposing to subclinical diseases, facilitating their diagnosis and helping to make timely and objective preventive decisions critical to animal health
  • Breeding Conditions - in the automated operation of the means of improving the microclimate of breeding and zootechnical methods

The aim of the project is to develop an innovative holistic system of accurate breeding of dairy cattle to increase milk production and ensure well-being in modern intensive breeding units. Innovative technologies and "expensive" animal production methodology are used to modernize and automate units.
The use of state-of-the-art technology has been adapted and used in Primary Animal Production. Specifically:

  • IoT sensors are applied to the large abdomen of cattle, record pH and temperature readings and communicate with the feeding system, in order to correct the diet where required, through application on smart phones (moblile application).
  • The control of the microclimate of the stable is done automatically and when the conditions require it, the automatic operation of the ventilation or mist systems starts in order to ensure their most rational and efficient operation.
  • Thermal cameras that record increased temperature and through IoT technology with technology send the data to the management platform of the unit and create an alarm on smart phones.

Medium Term Objectives
The medium-term goals of the project are the following:

  • To strengthen through its work the competitiveness, extroversion and productivity of the companies that participate in it
  • Assist in the design and development of innovative and more efficient decision support systems within primary production units
  • To formulate a detailed business plan for the sustainable and commercially successful introduction of a complete solution, exploitable in both domestic and international markets.
  • Seek collaborations with similar programs abroad, such as European consortia programs such as the IoF, KATANA, etc.

Long-term Goals
The long-term goals of the project are the following:

  • To contribute to the increase of domestic added value through the shift to innovative entrepreneurship in the field of animal production with a focus on the production of high-quality services
  • To be through its successful execution, a guide for the effective and added value connection of Research and Innovation with modern entrepreneurship that will allow the development of a pole of scientific excellence for our country, operating as a sector of private and public investment
  • To develop innovative technological methods and processes, aimed at improving primary production and well-being in intensive care units in Greece and the Balkans

The project is funded by the NSRF program 2014-2020 Unified Action of State Aid for Research, Technological Development & amp; Innovation "Research-Create-Innovate"